Repair Delayed – Monday, November 21

1:30PM UPDATE: Repair is complete and water should be back on soon.

8:30AM UPDATE: Repair will begin Tuesday, November, 22 at 9AM. Expect water to be off for most members around the Wagontire valley.

The water main line repair is that was scheduled for today is currently on hold, but should resume later today or tomorrow. A call was made prior to scheduling this repair but One-Call has not been out to mark utilities near the excavation area. We will update this post as the repair progresses.

Please conserve your water use and thank your for your patience while this issue is addressed.

2022 Annual Member Meeting

We invite and encourage you to attend the CBWA’s Annual Member Meeting on Thursday, July 21th, 2022 at 7:30PM. The normal monthly board meeting scheduled for July has been moved to accommodate the annual meeting.

You’ll learn more of the recent projects the board is working on with OEC and our goals for the next year for the better of our community and our water source. Refreshments will be served. Bring your lawn chair and we look forward to seeing you!

Hope to see you there!

Meeting Details:
July 21, 2022 at 7:30PM

CBWA Water Plant
741 Wagontire Drive
Myrtle Creek, OR 97457