Water Leak – July 18th, 2023

We have a substantial leak at the water plant and a solution is in the works. Water service may be limited for the next 8 hours so please conserve water use.

We will update this post as information comes in.

Update at 2:55pm – There is a major blow out in mixing chamber. OEC on site with a repair plan in motion. No new water can be treated until the repair is completed. Please conserve water until further notice since we only have what’s available in the storage tanks to get through the day.

Update 5:24pm – Holes have been patched and the repair is curing. The plant is off line for another couple hours. It will be restarted this evening when patches are fully cured. We should have enough water stored until this evening.

Update 9:07pm – The water plant is up and running. The repair seems to be holding so water use is back to normal.

2023 Annual Member Meeting

We invite and encourage you to attend the CBWA’s Annual Member Meeting on Thursday, July 20th, 2023 at 7:30PM. The normal monthly board meeting scheduled for July is moved from Tuesday to accommodate the annual meeting.

CBWA Water Plant
741 Wagontire Drive
Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

Important Business:

  1. Three members needed to run for the CBWA Board
  2. Significant re-piping needed in plant due to age and corrosion. Estimate for re-piping is approximately $8000.  Funding for this project can come from:
    • Monthly assessment of each member
    • Loan to cover costs (will cost CBWA more)
    • Increase in monthly base rate effective Summer 2023

Clarks Branch Water Association is a member-owned entity. Each member has a say in how the association is run. Currently, the Board needs new members to step up and serve their community. Without internal member help, tasks will need to be completed by outside entities. Costs to you as members will go up significantly.

The Board is currently discussing a raise to $100 per month base rate, and if this increase proves insufficient the rate could go to $125 rather quickly. The Board will cover important matters facing the association at the annual meeting at the date and time listed above. Please attend and learn details of the matters facing the association. The more members who show interest and help with serving on the Board and with necessary operational work, the less the costs passed on to all members. The Board and the association need your input and help. Attending the annual meeting is the first step.

Hope to see you there!

Monthly Board Meeting – Tuesday, June 13th at 7pm

We encourage our members to attend the June board meeting. In the last few months, the association newsletter and posts on the website announced that two positions are on the ballot for election, including President. Candidates are very limited so we are looking to our members to ensure the smooth operation and safety of our community’s water plant.

If you have experience, great! If you have never volunteered, it’s time. Clarks Branch Water Association needs candidates for board seats and help with tasks throughout the year. We hope to see you at the meeting.

Board Members Needed Immediately

Your Clarks Branch Water Association needs members to serve on the Board of Directors beginning in July 2023. The board will have its president retiring, and there will be two positions up for election in total. Please keep in mind CBWA is private and member owned. If members are not willing to give time and help in the maintenance and operation of their water association, management and operational oversight will have to be contracted externally. An independent manager of operations will not come cheaply.

If this is to be the direction members choose to take, monthly costs for water will be significantly higher for everyone. How much higher is unknown at this time, but the doubling of the monthly basic water rate is certainly not out of the question.

If you are willing to serve on the Clarks Branch Water Assocation Board, please call CBWA President Chris Bingham for details: 541-900-4932.