A conserve water warning was posted this morning (Tuesday, July 30), but the issue has been resolved and the plant is back to operating at normal capacity. If you have any questions, call the plant at (541) 863-7221, or send an email to our plant manager.
Please Conserve Water: June 4 – 7, 2013
Try to conserve water by avoiding unnecessary usage until Friday, June 7th. The plant’s water output has been decreased since a pump requires replacement. If you have any questions, call the plant at (541) 863-7221, or send an email to our plant manager.
2012 Consumer Confidence Report Released
Demonstrating its commitment to public health protection and the public’s right-to-know about local environmental information, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires all community water systems to put annual drinking water quality reports into the hands of their members. These reports (also known as consumer confidence reports), which EPA developed in consultation with water suppliers, environmental groups, and the states, will enable you to make practical, knowledgeable decisions about your health and your environment.
Download the PDF from our Quality Reports page.
To learn more visit the Environmental Protection Agency website.
Installing “Water Plant Status” Signs
In conjunction with the website, three large water plant status signs will be installed to give quick updates for Clarks Branch Water Association members. The signs will be posted in areas that will allow the most visibility to members coming or going from home. The locations are at the top of Wagontire Drive, below Horizon Lane, and at the intersection of Clarks Branch Road and Dole Road. The signs will display color coded statuses:
- Plant is running at normal capacity.
- Plant is running at low capacity.
Conserve water. - Plant is impaired. See website for
more detail.