Low Water in Reservoir – Sunday, Nov. 24, 2024

We had reports this morning of low water pressure for some members and OEC was called in to check the issue. Our reservoir tank was found to be very low and the water treatment plant is producing more treated water. It’s unclear is the pumping system was not working over the last day, or if there is a big leak somewhere that drained our reservoir tank.

Please converse water today as we determine what the issue is.

Repair Update – Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2024

Today’s repair to the water treatment plants control system required some new parts. They are being shipped overnight from the distributor. We have about half of the reservoir of water and that will last for about 1 to 1 1/2 days.

Please continue to conserve water. To help, consider postponing washing laundry and delay running the dishwasher and take short showers for the next 24 hours.

If we run out of water before the water plant is up and running, we will be without any water. We will update again tomorrow when more information comes available.

Thank you,

CBWA Board