Fiber Internet Coming to Clarks Branch Area

Hello CBWA Members,

My name is Glen Simpson. I am the CBWA board secretary and I manage this website. Many of you know the problems of getting high speed and reliable internet to our homes in this area. Douglas Fast Net (DFN) has announced that they are expanding coverage in and around Round Prairie, Dole Road, Clarks Branch and Wagontire Drive. Some of you may have been contacted already and have signed up. If you haven’t, visit for more information, or call 541-673-4242 to sign up. Clarks Branch Water Assocation is in no way affiliated with DFN or this expansion, but as a neighbor I wanted to help spread the word about a local internet option. I have DFN 100Mbs service at my office in Roseburg and it has been great for over 8 years. Our whole family is excited for streaming videos that don’t buffer, fast internet browsing, new wifi gadgets and a lower mobile phone data bill.

DFN installations are estimated to be done around May 2020. DFN offers four fiber internet plans starting at $49.99/mo for 50Mbs speeds going up to 1Gig. Installation is $75 for standard installations and line extension fee may apply in some circumstances. Wireless router purchase or rentals are additional. All of the details are listed at

You can view their coverage map below:

DFN will be expanding in other areas of the county and locations with the highest demands will take priority. Call DFN at 541-673-4242 to get on the list.

Happy New Year!

Year 2 Rate Increase

In August of 2018, your CBWA Board of Directors voted to raise water rates beginning with November billing. A letter was sent out September 18, 2018 explaining the decision to phase in a rate increase over a three-year period. We have now reached Year 2 of the rate increase and your November water bills reflected that increase. Below we’ve outlined the specifics as a reminder.

Flat Minimum Monthly Rates

  • Year 1 (November 2018) – $65.00 basic/mo.
  • Year 2 (November 2019) – $67.50 basic/mo.
  • Year 3 (November 2020) – $70.00 basic/mo.

Excess Water Charge

Excess monthly usage will increase as well, so those who use more water will pay more. It is not thought the excess monthly usage rate will increase after the implementation of the new rates in November 2018.

  • $6.00 per/1000 gallons for excess (over 5,000 gallons/mo.) up to 10,000 gallons/mo.
  • $8.00 per/1000 gallons for excess from 10,001 to 20,000 gallons/mo.
  • $10.00 per/1000 gallons for excess over 20,000 gallons/mo.

Please come to the next CBWA Board meeting if you have questions, concerns, or information pertaining to the good of the association. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month in the CBWA Water Plant at 7:00 PM located at 741 Wagontire Drive.

2018 Consumer Confidence Report Released

safe-water-kidDemonstrating its commitment to public health protection and the public’s right-to-know about local environmental information, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires all community water systems to put annual drinking water quality reports into the hands of their members. These reports (also known as consumer confidence reports), which EPA developed in consultation with water suppliers, environmental groups, and the states, will enable you to make practical, knowledgeable decisions about your health and your environment.

View the 2018 Consumer Confidence Report, or see past reports on our Quality Reports page.

To learn more visit the Environmental Protection Agency website.