Demonstrating its commitment to public health protection and the public’s right-to-know about local environmental information, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires all community water systems to put annual drinking water quality reports into the hands of their members. These reports (also known as consumer confidence reports), which EPA developed in consultation with water suppliers, environmental groups, and the states, will enable you to make practical, knowledgeable decisions about your health and your environment.
This week the Clarks Branch Water Association board contracted S&D Construction to remove a group of trees between the Dole Road pump house and river intake pipe. All the debris was hauled off and we’ll work to keep it clear. The pump house was previously damaged from a fallen tree and this work will prevent that from happening again.
Chris Bingham, board president, took time to clean the inside of the pump house in preparation for an inspection by the Oregon Health Authority. The inspection was postponed because of COVID-19 but everything is in order to pass. The board is working towards rebuilding the pump house and are in the works to get a catwalk attached to the outside of the structure before fire season.
Water leaks can be costly and we at Clarks Branch Water work hard to bring good, safe, clean water to your home at a cost-effective charge. Have you checked your meter lately, or experienced a higher water bill than normal? A simple test is to check for a leak is to turn off all water usage in your house and around your property. Remove the meter cover at the water meter and watch the numbers. If they are moving with no water on, you could have a leak.
If we notice a significant increase in your water usage, we will send out a flyer with this same information. Water leaks on the member’s side of the meter are the responsibility of the homeowner. Your leak will waste water and money until it is fixed.
Below we’ve listed some repair recommendations. These are only recommended vendors that we have used, or known to be available in our area. We do not advertise or allow only these vendors. They are simply a list of suggestions for help. Should you suspect or learn your residence has a water leak somewhere within your service line and need help in locating and repairing the leak, you might try one of the following contacts for repair assistance:
Darren Light (541) 430-6097
Ty Scott (541) 698-6331
Steve Giles (541) 863-1491
Pat Rokus (541) 229-2595
Micah’s Excavation (541) 679-5433
If you notice a leak on the CBWA side of your meter or around the neighborhood, please contact us promptly. Thanks for your efforts at saving water and money with Clarks Branch Water!
You are responsible for keeping the area around your meters clean, clear of debris, and overgrown shrubs, weeds, or grass. If we experience difficulty accessing your water meter your account can be charged a $50 cleaning fee. This fee can continue to incur if we are required clear overgrowth for access to your meter.
Keep an eye out for the annual ballot for board members with your June invoice as it is near that time of year. We have a great team of dedicated board members serving our community. We hope this message finds you all well.
Happy Spring, Clarks Branch Water Association Board Members