Category Archives: General Updates

2021 Consumer Confidence Report Released

Demonstrating its commitment to public health protection and the public’s right-to-know about local environmental information, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires all community water systems to put annual drinking water quality reports into the hands of their members. These reports (also known as consumer confidence reports), which EPA developed in consultation with water suppliers, environmental groups, and the states, will enable you to make practical, knowledgeable decisions about your health and your environment.

View the 2021 Consumer Confidence Report, or see past reports on our Quality Reports page.

To learn more visit the Environmental Protection Agency website.

CBWA Board Position Election Coming in July

Please consider serving on the CBWA Board. The Board consists of five members of the water association and makes decisions to keep your water quality and availability as good as possible. Elections are held for at least one Board position each summer. This year, one Board position is coming open in July.

If you would like to volunteer in helping your community, please send an e-mail to by June 15, 2022.

Grass Is Growing and Varmints Are Active

Please keep the vegetation around your meter box cut short for decent accessibility.  Also, gophers, moles, voles and other varmints are having a field day depositing their tunnel tailings inside many meter boxes, rendering the meter dials unreadable. Please clean out the meter boxes carefully, using a handheld garden tool or one’s hands so as not to damage meter dials or pipe fittings.

Please remember a charge of $50 may be levied if a member does not clean the meter area/inside the box 30 days after notification.

BIG Changes Coming to CBWA

We’ve mailed out a postcard to all of our members announcing some BIG changes planned for the Clarks Branch Water Association’s water treatment plant and storage capacity. The CBWA Board has voted unanimously to pursue an Oregon Business Development Department that will provide a substantial grant and low interest loan to benefit the association on several fronts:

  • Greatly increased water storage capacity
  • The ability to shut down the plant for long repair/maintenance projects
  • The ability to better endure leaks
  • Replace two aging tanks while ensuring safe water storage for the years to come
  • Supply water to fire departments for emergencies

Should you have questions or concerns regarding any aspect of the CBWA Board’s decision, please come to the next board meeting at the water plant. E-mail comments may be submitted to the Board at

March Board Meeting
March 8, 2022 @ 7PM
741 Wagontire Drive
Myrtle Creek, OR 97457