Category Archives: General Updates

Second “Water Plant Status” Sign Installed

20131011-172411.jpgThe second water plant status sign was installed this week. It can be seen at the intersection of Clarks Branch Road and Dole Road. With both signs in place, every member should pass one leaving or coming home. If you haven’t seen the first sign, it was installed on along Clarks Branch Road just before Horizon Lane. It is double sided and can be seen by traffic traveling east and west.

Thanks to Duane and Chris for installing the sign.


Pump House Clean Out

pump-house-dole-roadSaturday morning was our scheduled Pump House Clean Out Day. Special thanks to Duane Hopkins, Chris Bingham, and Glen Simpson for volunteering your time to clean out the intake pump basin and sludge pond. Also, thanks Chuck Mihevc for modifying and delivering the ladder base.

The Clarks Branch Water Association has a small group of residents that volunteer their time to ensure everyone has safe and reliable water. If any other members would be willing to assist when they can, please contact us. Every member is welcome and encouraged to attend the monthly board meetings. Meetings take place on the second Wednesday of every month, but contact us before since we occasionally shift the dates to accommodate everyone’s schedule.

This is your association too, please help out.

2012 Consumer Confidence Report Released

drinkingwaterDemonstrating its commitment to public health protection and the public’s right-to-know about local environmental information, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires all community water systems to put annual drinking water quality reports into the hands of their members. These reports (also known as consumer confidence reports), which EPA developed in consultation with water suppliers, environmental groups, and the states, will enable you to make practical, knowledgeable decisions about your health and your environment.

Download the PDF from our Quality Reports page.

To learn more visit the Environmental Protection Agency website.

Installing “Water Plant Status” Signs

WaterPlantStatusSigns In conjunction with the website, three large water plant status signs will be installed to give quick updates for Clarks Branch Water Association members. The signs will be posted in areas that will allow the most visibility to members coming or going from home. The locations are at the top of Wagontire Drive, below Horizon Lane, and at the intersection of Clarks Branch Road and Dole Road. The signs will display color coded statuses:

  • Plant is running at normal capacity.
  • Plant is running at low capacity.
    Conserve water.
  • Plant is impaired. See website for
    more detail.