Category Archives: General Updates

No Lead Notice

Dear Customers of Clarks Branch Water Association water system, 

Recently the Oregon Health Authority has requested an inventory of the water distribution system to determine if there is any lead pipe in the water system. Through physical investigation of each meter box, we were able to determine that the water system has no lead, Galvanized require replacement (GRR) or Unknown lines in the distribution system. A copy of the inventory that was accepted by OHA on August 15th, 2024. You may request a copy of the inventory from a board member or contacts below. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the water system.

Optimum Environmental

Optimum Environmental – Compliance Manager

2024 Annual Member Meeting Tonight

We invite and encourage you to attend the CBWA’s Annual Member Meeting on Thursday, July 18th, 2023 at 7:30PM. The normal monthly board meeting scheduled for July is moved from Tuesday to accommodate the annual meeting.

CBWA Water Plant
741 Wagontire Drive
Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

Clarks Branch Water Association is a member-owned entity. Each member has a say in how the association is run. Currently, the Board needs new members to step up and serve their community. Without internal member help, tasks will need to be completed by outside entities. Costs to you as members will go up significantly.

The Board will cover important matters facing the association at the annual meeting at the date and time listed above. Please attend and learn details of the matters facing the association. The more members who show interest and help with serving on the Board and with necessary operational work, the less the costs passed on to all members. The Board and the association need your input and help. Attending the annual meeting is the first step.

We hope to see you there!