Conserve Water Request Ends Today – Thursday, Nov. 28, 2024

We are removing the conserve water request as of this morning.

The leak detection survey performed on Wednesday found a main line leak on Horizon Lane. OEC has planned to start the repair after the holiday weekend. The survey also identified about several leaks on the customer side of water meters and those property owners will be notified once we receive the finished report next week.

A faulty valve on the clearwell was forced opened allowing us to produce more water. The replacement valve has not come in yet but is in route.

We wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

Continue to Conserve – Monday, Nov. 25, 2024

We have another update for our CBWA members this morning. Our plant operators from OEC, were unable to find the location of a leak on Sunday and have requested help from a leak detection service. That is scheduled for Wednesday so you may see a crew around the neighborhood and member’s meters from 10:00am – 2:00pm.

The water treatment plant is running extra time to keep water in the reservoir tank and we hope that will allow everyone access to water this week. Please continue to limit your water use whenever possible. Expedited parts are on the way to fix the control system, along with a valve issue in the plant.

A few reports of low pressure or no water were reported from Horizon Lane and OEC’s crew will be looking into that more this morning.

If you are experiencing low or no water, report it to Members can also keep in contact with the association and other members by joining the Clarks Branch Water Association Facebook Group.